Hans-Joachim v. Puttkamer studied law at the University of Göttingen and at the University of Bonn. Beside his studies he started in the early eighties working with computers and software programs. He worked for an university institute doing statistics for research projects and for a software company in Göttingen. His responsibilities: Internal IT department, training and the marketing development of a sales information software package.
In 1990 he moved to a software company in Cologne as a consultant for a software package for Land Agencys and Land Lords. In close relationship with the customers he developed customized software versions for the administration of Power Lines, international ground property, mobile phone antennas and professional rented properties. He was successful engaged in presales, implementation, support, training as well as a development consultant. As a consequence of some mergers and acquisitions he moved to Bochum and worked as a team leader within VEBA Group (Real Estate, Telecom o-tel-o).
1998 he decided to join the US Company Sterling Commerce as a senior consultant for EDI Projects working in national and international projects of all industry sectors. During the last years he was the team leader of Global Services responsible for an international consulting team and responsible for Central, Western and South Europe. Here he gained important knowledge and experience in project management by implementing, planning and using software in business critical EDI and EAI projects.
Since 2009 Mr. v. Puttkamer is working independent in special projects as well as in trainings for time- and project management for well known companies.